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2019, East Expansion

"East from here, not too distant, there's standing a city. It takes only a few hours of travel to get there. Once you arrive there, you'll be greeted by the cool air that will hug you better than the air in the city you departed do, due to highland climate and mountains that surround the city. The rainy days and nights are always true cold and never hot. Youths, couples, and families are enjoying their day in one of dozens beautiful parks and plazas that spread across the city. Or strolling down the streets and boulevards which have wide sidewalks, decorated with flowers and large, shady trees. Along the streets, stands a lot of tasteful eateries, well-known cafes, luxurious boutiques, and splendid trade centers. Sightseers and street vendors crowd the sidewalks, the vehicles crowd the avenues, especially when tourists flood the city during their days off. However, the city is known for, not only the center of popular culture and tourism, but also a hub for science and technology. Every year thousands of scholars from all over the place come to this city for studying and researching. Beach and many skyscraper are not in sight, however heritage buildings, green gardens, and sparkling nightlife, create a romantic-scenic view of this magnificent city. As an artist once said, 'And this city, for me, is not a matter of geography alone, furthermore it involves the feeling, that's with me when it is quiet.'"
— An expeditor from Age of Discovery

There is one way, and just one way, to capture this city: the Battle of Universalis.

After a year-long Crisis, a forgotten hope emerged. A hope to have a brighter future. A hope to develop our passions. A hope to fulfill our true purpose in this world. We were about to face the gate for this long-forgotten dream comes true. Through Battle of Universalis, the dream which once a wish, was turned into a hope. With this country-scale war, our dream city would become ours. However, we must prove ourselves in this battle first.

The battle broke out, not asking whether we are ready. All resources were exerted, hoping the Crisis tragedy would not be repeated, though it might not as smooth as it was propagated. A strategy had to be chosen, so that our winning in this battle coincides with our hope becoming real. Testing and extra training in early morning were held. Parallel Order and Tables of Attack were watched every day. Our Reports were verified several times, so no mistake was made. To meet the demands of war, a conference was held. Since the tension was so high, the committee set up a negotiation for disputed states.

And the day we were waiting for, came. A series of list announced miraculously our victory in this Battle of Universalis. However, not all people were glad on that day. Many of them had to make greater, harder, and longer efforts to meet their victory. There was some time before we could occupy the land we annexed. In the meantime, we improved our conditions, such as making memorandum images and releasing new media, also prepared for new life we would encounter, though it might not as smooth as it was planned.

Today was the day we began a new life. Facing a brave new world. With new atmosphere. New city. New people. New adventure. Orientation and Recognition a couple of weeks after our arrival, gave new insights of this land we had conquered. Resources are abundant here. It's not the natural resources. It is their knowledge, technology, political, and human resources. The resources to develop our nation. The resources to fuel our passion. The resources are so vast that we made Course Great-line, with long-term plan, so that we're not wasting them.

Meanwhile, the Pillars were resurrected, after long buried under every battles and crisis. Journalism, humanities, philosophy, and urban planning were summoned by the environment and resources of this new land. Even science and physics were awakened during this time.

Behind its delight and enjoyment, the old era has come to an end. While it is difficult to leave it, a new era of glory and prosperity, arise. With resources in our hand and the Pillars erected, we're ready for an era with passion and progress as its foundations. Welcoming, the Industrial Era!

2019, East Expansion


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