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Showing posts from April, 2020

Pengantar Termodinamika

Sisi seru dari Brady bab 19 dan Halliday bab 20 Termodinamika mungkin bukan kata yang asing bagi kalian. Yang tentang gas-gas itu kan? Dihitung volumenya, tekanannya, suhunya. Kalau di kimia nentuin ΔH, ΔG, ΔS reaksi2 yg gak keliatan. Gabut gak sih? Ngapain nentuin kecepatan partikel gas sama ΔH nya? ΔH artinya apa lagi? Tapi tahukah kalian, hukum-hukum termodinamika adalah hukum yang sangat penting bagi alam ini, mengalahkan Hukum Newton yg sudah runtuh dan mungkin setara dengan relativitas Einstein dan mekanika kuantum. Bukan hanya untuk menghitung efisiensi mesin atau menentukan kespontanan reaksi. Lebih dari itu, arah berjalannya waktu, prediksi akhir alam semesta, mengapa kehidupan bisa terjadi, bahkan tujuan dari hidup, bisa dijawab oleh termodinamika. Entalpi Di fisika, pada bab termodinamika, kalian akan banyak menemukan E atau U (energi dalam)*. Sedangkan di kimia, sangat jarang ditemui E/U, adanya ΔH (entalpi). Dua2nya satuannya Joule kan, sama2 energi. Beda atau s...

2019, East Expansion

"East from here, not too distant, there's standing a city. It takes only a few hours of travel to get there. Once you arrive there, you'll be greeted by the cool air that will hug you better than the air in the city you departed do, due to highland climate and mountains that surround the city. The rainy days and nights are always true cold and never hot. Youths, couples, and families are enjoying their day in one of dozens beautiful parks and plazas that spread across the city. Or strolling down the streets and boulevards which have wide sidewalks, decorated with flowers and large, shady trees. Along the streets, stands a lot of tasteful eateries, well-known cafes, luxurious boutiques, and splendid trade centers. Sightseers and street vendors crowd the sidewalks, the vehicles crowd the avenues, especially when tourists flood the city during their days off. However, the city is known for, not only the center of popular culture and tourism, but also a hub for science and tec...